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Kimberly Pulito

Kimberly has been an award-winning, Independent Scentsy Consultant since 2012 & has helped thousands of amazing clients create custom scent experiences & motivated individual build their own fragrance businesses.

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What if I told you that putting systems in place can be a better for your mental health than setting goals alone? What kept my business afloat & earning annual awards, all-expenses-paid trips, & the highest commission tier was… you guessed it, CONSISTENT SYSTEMS! I pulled back to my bare minimum & made shit happen because I know what the meat & potatoes are for my business. Fluff & dessert was cut & I stopped doing things I didn’t enjoy or wasn’t appreciated for.

Now, back to the whole systems for better mental health. And this video isn’t just for the New Year… if you’re watching this mid year or even in Q4, getting your systems defined & set, there’s no time like the present.

Now I know the word system can be scary so just remember, a system is just a set of tasks that YOU do on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. So, I have four points on why you need systems for your goals then 5 steps to getting started.

First, systems focus on the process, rather than the outcome

When we set a goal, we normally focus on a specific outcome. Hitting a certain rank, earning an award, losing weight, etc. But the process of getting that outcome is just as, if not more than, important. By putting systems in place, you can ensure that you have a reliable & effective process for achieving the results you’re wanting (ie: your goals).

Second, systems are ongoing

Goals are often time-bound & have an exact end date. Right? I want to promote by October. When you reach your goal, you may not have a clear plan for what to do next. On the other hand, you may see you’re not going to hit your goal, so you can go back to your system & adjust the tasks. But what about once that time you set for your goal has passed? Well, a system is an ongoing process that you can follow indefinitely & even increase the frequency of your tasks or the output. So if you’re at this point, I highly encourage you to read or listen to The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone… it’s one of my favorites.

Third, systems can be adjusted

When you set a goal, it can be difficult to make changes once you’ve committed to it. But with a system, you can easily make adjustments as needed like I mentioned, to ensure you’re making progress & staying on track.

Fourth, systems can help you build habits:

Habits are an important part of achieving long-term success… think, High Performance Habits, Atomic Habits, etc… & by putting systems in place, you can develop habits that support your desired outcomes & make it easier to maintain your progress. This is where I was last year. The things I were doing were all habits that were ingrained in my routine.

So, let’s chat through how to get started…

  • Identify the area of your life where you want to make progress. This could be related to your career, relationships, health, or personal development.

  • Next, you’re going to want to determine the specific outcome, or goal, you want to achieve in this area. For example, you might want to increase your income, improve your relationships, or become more physically fit. Then break down the actions needed into small, manageable steps. Like goals, these steps should be specific, measurable, & achievable.

  • Next, you’re going to want to determine the specific outcome, or goal, you want to achieve in this area. For example, you might want to increase your income, improve your relationships, or become more physically fit. Then break down the actions needed into small, manageable steps. Like goals, these steps should be specific, measurable, & achievable. The best way to do this is to reverse engineer your goal, if possible. For example, if you want to get a certain amount of sales by a specific date, you’d take that number & divide it by how many months… so for this example, I’m going to use our Annual Sales award which is 30,000 in sales, so… 30,000/12. This tells me that I need an average of 2500 per month but let’s keep going. Divide that number by 4 & we get 625. This tells me how much I need per week, but let’s keep going. Divide that number by how many days you want to actively work your business, & that gives me 125 in sales per day. But it’s the same with each goal… wanting to promote? How many people do you need to do that? How many conversations do you need to have? And bada bing… you have yourself a system!

  • Next, you’re going to want to track your progress & adjust your system as needed. This could involve a journal, spreadsheet, or app to keep track of your progress & identify areas where you can make improvements. If you’re not tracking what you’re doing, you may keep doing things that aren’t bringing you results which will end up wasting your time.

  • Last, celebrating your successes, no matter how small, can help you stay motivated & reinforce the behavior you’re trying to turn into a habit.

Having someone to hold you accountable can help you stay on track. This could be a mentor, a coach, or a peer who checks in on you regularly to see how you’re doing with your tasks. I am a huge fan of spreadsheets so checking things off & sharing it with my mentor so they can see at a glance what I need to focus on during our next call.

Consistency is key to turning a system into a habit. Try to follow your system as consistently as possible, even on days you don’t feel like it. The more consistently you follow your system, the more it will become a habit.

I want you to set aside a few minutes, look at your goals you’ve set, & really identify if you have a system set up for each one of them. If you need a starting point for business systems, definitely check out the resource that goes with this video below in the description. My goal for you is that you feel more confident in the tasks you’re taking in your business and, at the end, hopefully you have a system for each goal.

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